Introduction the origin and application of Crocus sativus

4 min readNov 23, 2020


Crocus sativus, from Persia, not Tibet. Russian poets once described Persian customs in this way: “the country of Crocus sativus is full of dusk and the fragrance of roses is floating on the fields.” It can be seen that Iran is indeed the country of Crocus sativus, and 80% of Crocus sativus in the world is produced in Iran.

From Persia, to Europe in the west, to India and China in the East, this ancient and beautiful flower has gone through a long and interesting journey, and has brought wonderful fragrance to people from all over the world.

In ancient times, the Iranians began to plant autumn crocus.

As early as ancient times, Iran began to cultivate autumn crocus on a large scale, which was often used in various important rituals. Autumn crocus dried flower stamens are positive red, with water bubble, the water is positive yellow. Therefore, Crocus sativus is also used as a dye. In the play “the Persian”, Darius, the king of Persia, is specially described as “stepping on the cloth shoes soaked by Crocus sativus” on the stage. The reason why the Persian carpet, which is famous all over the world, is that the dye is so natural that it can stand the test of time.

Crocus sativus in Greece and Rome
Crocus sativus symbolizes auspiciousness and holiness. It is widely used in the upper class of ancient Greece and Rome. On Santorini Island in the Aegean Sea, we even found murals of Crocus sativus by young girls and monkeys.
After the Arabs conquered the Libyan Peninsula, they brought Crocus sativus to Spain. However, Crocus sativus disappeared in Western Europe and was brought to the hinterland of Europe during the Crusades.

Crocus sativus in the East
Crocus sativus was then introduced into Kashmir, and the Yellow Crocus sativus water dyed cloth was a special item of the Indian royal family. After the death of Sakyamuni, the corpse clothes were also dyed with Crocus sativus. Crocus sativus was used as a symbol of auspiciousness and holiness to offer sacrifices to Buddha.

Why Crocus sativus is precious
Crocus sativus is fond of plateau environment. Most of them grow on the Iranian plateau with an altitude of more than 1500 meters. The flowering season is from late October to early November every year, and the flowering period is only 15 days. At this time, Crocus sativus will bloom all over the mountains, and hundreds of thousands of Iranian flower farmers will go up the mountain to collect flowers at this time. Tea can be divided into old and new. Similarly, Crocus sativus is also the first to pick the flower quality is higher than the later picked flower.

Crocus sativus farmers began to collect the flowers just after daybreak. Generally, the collection work needs to be completed in the morning, because if the flowers are exposed to excessive sunlight, the color will become lighter, and the quality is not as good as in the morning. In Iran, Crocus sativus is mostly made by hand. Flower growers pick out the pistils and carefully take out the pistils, which can pull out one kilogram a day. Crocus sativus, a super grade grade, needs tweezers to take out the Yellow roots. It’s really like gold in the sand. It’s not easy to get it. Only 10 grams of superior Crocus sativus can be produced per kilogram of Crocus sativus.
Suitable for people
Beauty loving women
Blood pressure and blood lipid problems
Elderly people with heart problems
The flower that knows woman best

Due to physiological reasons, women will inevitably appear deficiency of Qi and blood, and produce a series of pathological symptoms. The function of promoting blood circulation and nourishing blood of Crocus sativus may be better than that of other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Health care function for middle aged and old people

Crocus sativus has unique efficacy and is widely used in the prevention and treatment of cerebral thrombosis, vasculitis, myocardial infarction, blood deficiency and body deficiency, irregular menstruation, postpartum congestion, body pain, trauma, neurasthenia, palpitation and mania.

In Iran, Crocus sativus is used in food ingredients, such as rice, dishes, cakes, candy, ice cream, etc., and Crocus sativus will be put into it. If you can travel to Iran, Xiaobian recommends that you must taste Iran Crocus sativus ice cream, because it is made of Alpine spring water + Red Gold Crocus sativus + Iranian pistachio + reassuring milk + Rose water. It is not only delicious, but also of high nutritional value.




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